Ryan Kim

Ryan Kim

I am a sophomore at Harvard College pursuing a major in Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology with a secondary in Global Health and Health Policy. Brain development and aging in the context of neurological disease and psychopathology are my main interests, and I am excited to be working with the Center for Sleep and Cognition. Sleep research is an exciting and innovative field to me, as the mechanisms of sleep and its role in various neurological conditions are still poorly understood. My goal is that our research will advance efforts in delivering non-invasive sleep-modifying brain stimulation therapies to patients with conditions like schizophrenia.

On my college campus, I work as an Emergency Medical Technician and research critical periods in a neurodevelopment lab. I also enjoy volunteering at a local nursing home, where we run art workshops with seniors with Alzheimer’s.


  • Harvard College, A.B. Candidate in Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology

Awards & Honors

  • John Harvard Scholar

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