Sleep is Magical

Additional CfSC Media References
3 tips for coping with election stress, according to a sleep and cognition doctor | WBUR Boston
Calm in the Political Chaos: Tips to Ease Election Emotions, Stress and Exhaustion | WBZ Newsradio / New England Weekend
If Political Stress Is Giving You ‘Electsomnia,’ Experts Have Sleep Tips | Scientific American
SciSapience Professional Development Interview | SciSapience.com
New study suggests the 2020 election increased alcohol use and decreased sleep | PsyPost (psypost.org) and Reddit (reddit.com)
Splitting up sleep may help teenagers learn | ScienceLine (scienceline.org)
How the 2020 US Presidential election impacted sleep and its relationship to public mood and alcohol consumption | WBUR Boston (wbur.org) (Radio Interview)
How to tackle insomnia and nightmares during Covid-19 | Quartz (qz.com)
The Pandemic Can Taint the Memory of Things We Love | WIRED (wired.com)
Coronavirus insomnia: How to sleep better during the pandemic | Slate (slate.com)
Boston-based study tracks sleep patterns during coronavirus pandemic | WCBV Boston (wcvb.com)
What lucid dreamers might tell us about our sleeping minds | ScienceNews.org
Let's sleep on it | American Psychological Association (APA) Monitor (https://www.apa.org/monitor)
Why Can’t Some Some People Remember Their Dreams? | BBC (bbc.com)
Debra Winger & Robert Stickgold Talk Sleep and Dreams | Rubin Museum
How the Brain Turns Reality into Dreams | NBC News (nbcnews.com)
Nap and Dream to Improve Learning and Memory | Independent (independent.co.uk)
Sleep, Memory, & Dreams - Fitting the Pieces Together | Spotify Podcast (spotify.com)
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