When Brains Dream - An Interview with Dr. Robert Stickgold

Dr. Robert Stickgold is a world-renowned expert in dream research. He co-authored the book, When Brains Dream, in addition to publishing many academic articles in scientific journals, including EMDR: A Putative Neurobiological Mechanism of Action. In the video below you will learn about what happens when brains dream, the neurobiological mechanisms that happen in the brain during REM sleep, what (we think) happens in the brain during EMDR therapy, and a lot more.

Topics discussed in this video:

0:00 Introduction

03:11- Why we dream

04:46 - The function of dreams

06:25 - The history of dreams

08:42 - REM sleep and dream sleep

11:25 - Neurochemical brain mechanisms during sleep

19:50 - How sleep improves mood

23:05 - Different dreams during different sleep stages

24:50 - The Default Mode Network (DMN)

35:09 - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

40:10 - EMDR mechanisms of action


Bob’s Book: When Brains Dream


Robert Stickgold, "When Brains Dream: Exploring the Science and Mystery of Sleep"


Robert Stickgold - How Does Memory Work?